Western Journal of Human Resource Management
ISSN: 2381-3687
EISSN: 2381-3695
ISSN: 2381-3687
EISSN: 2381-3695

Spring / Summer 2023 Issue
Western Journal of Human Resource Management
Volume 20, Issue 1
The Impact of Coachability On Employee Commitment to the Organization
Bradley Mayer, Ph.D, Kathleen Dale, Ph.D & Katrina Brent, Ed.D
Blogging as an Alternative to Discussion Boards: Expanding the
Management Educator’s Toolkit
Linda M. Dunn-Jensen Ph.D, Pamela Wells M.S., Jason Fertig Ph.D, Christopher C. Bradshaw Ph.D
Coping with Career Plateaus in Academia: A Review
and Research Agenda
Carrie S. McCleese, Ph.D
Exploring the Influence of Religiosity on Employee Voice Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Prosocial Motivation
Alexander Ehms, Ph.D & Joy Opoku
Western Journal of Human Resource Management
Volume 20, Issue 1
The Impact of Coachability On Employee Commitment to the Organization
Bradley Mayer, Ph.D, Kathleen Dale, Ph.D & Katrina Brent, Ed.D
Blogging as an Alternative to Discussion Boards: Expanding the
Management Educator’s Toolkit
Linda M. Dunn-Jensen Ph.D, Pamela Wells M.S., Jason Fertig Ph.D, Christopher C. Bradshaw Ph.D
Coping with Career Plateaus in Academia: A Review
and Research Agenda
Carrie S. McCleese, Ph.D
Exploring the Influence of Religiosity on Employee Voice Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Prosocial Motivation
Alexander Ehms, Ph.D & Joy Opoku
The Western Journal of Human Resource Management is a peer-reviewed academic research journal focusing on human resource management theory and education. Submissions are always welcome for publication. It is Cabell's listed as a 'white' journal.
No author is ever charged for publication.
The majority of paper published in this journal have been presented at WBM International Research Conferences over the last 13 years.
WJHRM invites human resource management scholars to submit articles pertinent to the the field of Human Resource Management. Papers are considered for publication with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration by any other publication. Any repetition of work published elsewhere (without the proper permissions and approval) will result in immediate rejection of a submitted manuscript. Manuscripts may have been prepared initially for presentation at a WBM conference or symposium.
Acceptance Rate: 10%
Editorial Board:
Emin Ozkan, Ph.D
Rachel Cuthbertson
Robert Page, Ph.D
Rachel Gomes
Edward H. Hernandez, Ph.D
Submit papers to the editor:
Edward H. Hernandez, Ph.D
Professor of Management/HR
College of Business Administration
California State University Stanislaus
All papers should be in APA format. All tables or images must be submitted digitally in JPEG format.
No author is ever charged for publication.
The majority of paper published in this journal have been presented at WBM International Research Conferences over the last 13 years.
WJHRM invites human resource management scholars to submit articles pertinent to the the field of Human Resource Management. Papers are considered for publication with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration by any other publication. Any repetition of work published elsewhere (without the proper permissions and approval) will result in immediate rejection of a submitted manuscript. Manuscripts may have been prepared initially for presentation at a WBM conference or symposium.
- All authors of published papers are required to transfer copyright ownership of the manuscript to WJHRM, unless the paper was prepared under the purview of the US federal government.
- Authors are allowed to write derivative work of the published manuscript; this would not violate the terms of the copyright agreement.
- Authors are required to obtain written copyright permission to include material in their paper for which they do not own copyright. WJHRM publishes peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, research notes. The submission guidelines vary according to the type of article.
- WJHRM reserves the right to reproduce published papers in full or in part in other WJHRM media.
Acceptance Rate: 10%
Editorial Board:
Emin Ozkan, Ph.D
Rachel Cuthbertson
Robert Page, Ph.D
Rachel Gomes
Edward H. Hernandez, Ph.D
Submit papers to the editor:
Edward H. Hernandez, Ph.D
Professor of Management/HR
College of Business Administration
California State University Stanislaus
All papers should be in APA format. All tables or images must be submitted digitally in JPEG format.
Western journal of human resource management (Print)
ISSN 2381-3687
Western journal of human resource management (Online)
ISSN 2381-3695
ISSN 2381-3687
Western journal of human resource management (Online)
ISSN 2381-3695
- Authors transfer copyright to the publisher as part of a journal publishing agreement
- The Western Journal of Human Resource Management has the exclusive right to publish and distribute a submitted research article for commercial purposes.
- The Western Journal of Human Resource Management has the right to provide the article in all forms and media which may include all of the newest media methods and formats.
- The Western Journal of Human Resource Management has the right to enforce the rights in the article for cases of plagiarism an copyright. We may be able to act on behalf of the author.
- Submitting a manuscript to more than one journal concurrently will be considered unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
- All sources of financial support for a submitted research paper shall be revealed upon request
- The authors must guarantee and ensure that they have submitted 100% original research work.
- All authors must make the maximum effort to ensure the accuracy of all submissions and should immediately notify the editor if there are changed needed.
- All authors are fully responsible for ensuring that not copyrights are infringed upon in any part of their submitted work.
- The editor or guest-editor for each issue is responsible for the final acceptance or rejection decision.
- Articles that are clearly out of the scope of the journal may be rejected by the editor without formal review.
- There is no guarantee of publication if an author is requested to revise and resubmit.
- The copyrights for the submitted articles are retained by the original authors
Attributing authors in a scientific paper is crucial for acknowledging and holding accountable the right individuals involved in the research. Purposely distorting a scientist's association with their work is deemed a form of misconduct, eroding trust in the reporting of the research. Although authorship lacks a universally defined standard, generally, an 'author' is recognized as an individual who has made a substantial intellectual contribution to the study.
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